What is Barcode?

Barcode applies the Grido strategy, but is customized for markets where prices move in small increments, creating a chart that resembles a barcode.

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Why Traders Love Barcode

Ready-to-use Strategy

Barcode is built natively with a set of predefined parameters that can be launched with just a click of a button

Dynamic and Automatic

Automatically calculate the optimal price range and place the bid-ask ladder accordingly.

Defense Mechanisms

Equipped with 2 defense mechanisms to best co-op in the volatility and uncertainty of the market.

Performs Best In “Barcode” Markets

Specifically built for markets that move with minimum steps (chart that looks like a barcode).

Barcode vs. Traditional Grid

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Key Features
Traditional Grid
Simple single signal
Complex signals
Require technical skill to setup python code
User-friendly UI
Risk management
Not supported
Defense Mechanism Supported

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